Prisma Technologies Offers Price-Matching* and Price Beat Guarantee* for DJI Enterprise & Agras Products

Request Your DJI Price Match In 2 Easy-Steps

Step 1:

Fill in the details below and provide us with the competitor’s quote that you want us to match or beat.

Step 2:

Our sales team will contact you with a more competitive offer. If further clarifications are required, we will contact you to discuss the details.

*Please note that we will always try our very best to match or beat a quote, however, there are some occasions where we may not be able to. Below is a list of a few special circumstances in which we may not be able to price match or beat:

  • Used, ex-demo, or refurbished products.

  • Products sourced from unauthorised distributors of DJI products, and products sold by third-party sellers such as eBay.

  • Products priced well below our cost price.