Farming and Agriculture
Drone Solutions
Crop Health Monitoring
Multispectral sensors acquire data in discrete electromagnetic frequencies. These typically include the near-infrared, red-edge, green, blue, and red bands of light.
When mounted to drones, these sensors capture images with specific overlap settings to allow photogrammetry software to produce orthomosaics with vegetation indices which can be used to proactively detect early signs of crop disease and poor crop health.
2. Crop Spraying & Seed Spreading
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly being used to conduct precision crop spraying and seed spreading operations. They are also highly effective for targeted spot spraying in hard-to-access environments.
When combined with multispectral technology, spraying drones can be used to combat crop disease by providing more control over damage and infection prevention, with a high degree of precision.
3. Livestock Monitoring & Farm Inspection
In addition to inspecting irrigation equipment, fencing, and crops, drones can also be used for monitoring and mustering livestock.
Farmers have found the use of thermal sensors on drones to be abundantly helpful in pest management as the natural camouflage of animals cannot evade thermal cameras regardless of the time of day.
Prisma Technologies is a leader in drone and Agtech in Australia.
With unrivalled technical expertise and product knowledge, we help our customers leverage the full potential of drone technology in many industries. We work with individual farmers and farming organisations in all areas, providing agriculture drone solutions of the highest quality and sector-leading technical support.
The use of drones in the management of both livestock and cropping farms has increased exponentially in recent years, as farmers search for less labour-intensive ways to manage their land and assets. By partnering with Prisma Technologies, you can take advantage of the latest tools and technologies that the drone industry offers and manage your agricultural business more efficiently. We offer packages for livestock and crop inspections and agriculture drone spraying, all of which can be customised to meet your specific requirements.
Revolutionizing Farming in Australia with Drone Technology
With our team, you'll receive all the technical support and training you need to get your UAV operations off to a great start. Our team has a wealth of experience in the industry and has helped many commercial farming organizations launch successful agriculture drone programs in Australia.
Prisma Tech team has extensive experience in the drone industry and has assisted many commercial farming organisations in launching successful agriculture drone programs in Australia.
Our team provides you with technical support and training to ensure a successful launch of your agriculture drone program. With our expertise in the industry, we can help ensure that your program gets off to a great start and continues to run smoothly.
You can find a variety of agricultural drones for sale on our website at Prisma Technologies.
Yes, Prisma Technologies can tailor solutions such as the DJI Agras T30 Advanced Spraying and Spreading package to meet the needs of both small and large cropping farmers. Our thermal imaging and multispectral sensor packages can also be customized to your specifications.
Yes, our in-house engineering team has in-depth knowledge of agricultural drone applications and can deliver advanced solutions that offer outstanding performance and flexibility to farmers in Australia.
To discuss your agriculture drone requirements in detail.
(02) 42 583 489