Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC) - Ready Package
As an organisation wanting to operate commercial drones, you will require a Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC). Having a Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC) allows the company to operate commercial drones anywhere in Australia with the individual holding a Remote Pilot Licence (RePL).
This ReOC assistance package includes:
Operations manual development
Chief Remote Pilot training
Remote Operator Certificate (includes CASA fee)
Available Now
As an organisation wanting to operate commercial drones, you will require a Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC). Having a Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC) allows the company to operate commercial drones anywhere in Australia with the individual holding a Remote Pilot Licence (RePL).
This ReOC assistance package includes:
Operations manual development
Chief Remote Pilot training
Remote Operator Certificate (includes CASA fee)
Available Now
As an organisation wanting to operate commercial drones, you will require a Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC). Having a Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC) allows the company to operate commercial drones anywhere in Australia with the individual holding a Remote Pilot Licence (RePL).
This ReOC assistance package includes:
Operations manual development
Chief Remote Pilot training
Remote Operator Certificate (includes CASA fee)
Available Now
What is a Remote Operator Certificate?
As an organisation wanting to operate commercial drones, you will require a Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC). Having a Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC) allows the company to operate commercial drones anywhere in Australia with the individual holding a Remote Pilots Licence.
This ReOC assistance package includes:
Operations manual development
Chief Remote Pilot training
Remote Operator Certificate (includes CASA fee)
Applying for a Remote Operator Certificate?
To obtain a Remote Operators Certificate (ReOC), your organisation will need:
Completed Operations Manuals
Nominated Chief Remote Pilot (Must hold an RePL)
Company Aviation Reference Number.
Completed application forms (CASA Form 101-06 & 101-08)
Step 1 – Submit the application for the Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC).
You can choose to submit an application directly to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) or through a CASA delegate. A delegate can usually complete the process in a number of weeks, whereas CASA would usually take a number of months. Please note a CASA delegate can only process an initial application within the standard operating conditions.
Step 2 – Complete a Job Safety Assessment/Risk Assessment.
The CASA delegate will issue the nominated Chief Remote Pilot with a job scenario similar to that which the organisation would undertake. The nominated Chief Remote Pilot will be given a few days to prepare a Flight Authorisation, Job Safety Assessment and Risk Assessment.
Step 3 – Complete a telephone interview
The nominated Chief Remote Pilot (CrP) will conduct an interview with the CASA delegate. The interview will run for a couple of hours and cover questions about:
Roles and responsibilities of the CrP
ReOC operations
Air law
Specific questions about the scenario response